I am writing this blog in honor of all my "sisters" and would like to have your take on this article. What did I get out of this article? I was left wondering, if women have ever been happy? Why should we when the heaviest role and responsibility has been placed on us.
We must contend with monthly hell from the time we are 11 years old - men just have to play with their balls to keep them in the right positions. We must marry in a timely fashion so as not to be labeled spinsters or old maids... men can continue to be sexy as players and bachelors. We must produce children before our biological clock says "too old" - men don't have this problem. They can continue to reproduce well into their 70's or longer. We must carry a living creature in our bellies for nine months enduring hormonal changes mentally and physically to our bodies of which our bodies will never recover - men just fool around for a few minutes, enjoy and donate their sperm. We go through painful childbirth - men just say, "you're doing good honey", then hold the baby after it is born and gaze in awe at what "they" have created!
Most of the responsibility of raising our offspring is left up to us with the occasional aggravating interference from our spouses. We are the ones who are up many nights with sick children, responsible for music lessons, gymnastics, birthday parties, tball/baseball games, cheerleader tryouts, homework, shopping, first dates, and proms. Where is dad when this is going on? He walks through the door and asks, "Did we get any mail and what's for dinner?".
Oh yes and in modern times the woman is also bringing home the bacon or at least half of it. When we get old and gray and our bellies and boobs are sagging from too many childbirths our man is still looking firm and has aged well. I think they call this distinguished looking in men and "matronly" in women. His bald head is sexy while our is ugly, old and rather scary looking. His bushy eye brows are a sign of virility, ours are disgusting. His 5 o'clock shadow is rugged and sexy looking. Our mustache is less than desirable...and needs waxing.
Going back further in time, we had to fend ourselves from savages and stragglers while our man was away, as we washed clothes and dishes over a hot outdoor fire or at a nearby stream. We were hunters and gatherers in some societies. Other societies the women were and still are circumcised for fear that we might enjoy the sexual act or desire another man. We are almost always the victim of rape in wars. And of course we have since the"Garden of Eden" had to defend our virtue from aggressive men 24 hours a this case humans are not that far removed from animals. I ask you, have we ever been happy? The church dictates to many of us not to use birth control in order to limit the number of pregnancies we might have. Society condemns us for wanting to rid our bodies of an unwanted pregnancy incurred from rape.... Some saying rape is a "Godly" experience. I wonder if men feel "Godly" after being raped?
If you are not already a follower of this blog I encourage you to become one. I'm certain I have overlooked something in our pursuit of happiness. Your take on this is much anticipated, expected and appreciated.
After reading this blog my son suggested that some may find me an angry feminist. Honestly maybe some days I am but this blog was written in jest even if it does ring a few bells.
Much love to all my sisters in their pursuit of happiness.