Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus

It's Christmas time and I should be full of the Christmas spirit, whatever that is.  I have a hard time every year trying to convince myself to enjoy the spirit of buying.  To me it is a frenzy of total  insanity trying to please people with junk they don't need or even thought they wanted.  It's also a guilt trip for many as they spend money they don't have and run up their credit card balances.

How did the three Wise Men travelling far to present gifts to the baby Jesus ever come to people going in debt to purchase gifts for children, teachers, parents, cousins, aunts and uncles.  I admit that when my children were young I was part of this frenzy.  I couldn't stand the thought of my children comparing what they got from Santa with their friends loot found under the Christmas I competed.  I'm grateful that we could compete however, my thoughts always went to children who got nothing for Christmas.   Some of us tell our children that if they aren't good then Santa will bring them sticks and ashes.  Or, if you are good Santa will bring that special toy to you.  What must the children who get nothing think?  Are they wondering how good they have to be?  Are they wondering what they did was so bad that Santa didn't leave them a gift?  All of these things are going through my mind as I prepare for Christmas.

My children are grown now and even though I miss those years of their youth and seeing their delighted little faces on Christmas morning as they opened their gifts, I'm glad I don't have to participate in the charade any longer.  I still buy gifts for all but mostly I give gifts that are useful such as grocery store gift cards or pajamas knowing they will be appreciated.  I don't buy the gimmicks that are hawked each year to the public.  Most of them are just junk and either break or get tossed aside once the novelty wears off.

I learned to knit and crochet about a year ago.  Last Christmas I gave all my children and their significant others knitted items.  They were thrilled with their gifts.  This year I am doing the same.  My craft has improved and I'm thrilled to be able to do this.  Each item has been knit or crochet with love.  Much time has gone into choosing just the perfect pattern and yarn for each individual.  I have accomplished two things by hand crafting these items.  One is having a nice gift to present to someone I care for and the other satisfies my desire to create and design.

When our offspring arrives on Christmas Eve, we will go out and cut a cedar tree from our property.  It's not the best kind of Christmas tree but it smells good.  It's hard to find one that is shaped properly or that can be trimmed up but we always manage to make it look pretty with decorations that have been in the family for years, as it graces the usual corner in our family room.

We will have our Christmas Eve dinner of fondue and other artery clogging food.  Then Christmas morning we will begin again to gorge ourselves on food that is not good for us and we will feel overstuffed by evening as we sit by the warm fire in a comfy house feeling satisfied and safe.  I will miss my oldest son being here this year and him creating his traditional Christmas morning breakfast of Eggs less heart stopping meal!

I am so grateful to the powers that be that have allowed us the freedom of education, religion, thought, dress and speech.  I am grateful to have been born and raised in a country that values all these things.  I am grateful for our mental and physical health and all the opportunity we have been fortunate enough to enjoy. I will reflect on this throughout this holiday season and every day as I go about my daily activities realizing how wonderful life is for me and never forgetting how trying it is for others.

 I will continue to question why?  Why is the world so unbalanced?  I will listen to the news and learn of all the atrocities in the world and wonder why?  I will ask myself over and over again, "Is this just an illusion?"  How can this be true?  Is there a God and if so how much does this God participate in all that happens in this world?  I ask myself how can we be so selfish to ask for anything when there are humans suffering all over the world?  I wonder how humans can be so evil to do the things they do to each other.  I will hope for peace and compassion from all humans toward each other.  I will hope that no person will go to bed hungry and fearful for their safety,

On Christmas morning, as I always have, I will whisper to myself the true meaning of Christmas before I plunge into the day's festivities....."Happy Birthday Jesus".

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