This legendary creature has really captured my interest. It's on my bucket list to set my eyes on one. If I ever get outdoor cameras installed which is also on my bucket list perhaps I will see one.
I was cruising down the highway yesterday with my cruise control set at about 73 miles per hour. I was in my own world, not a good place to be at that speed in a moving vehicle. I had the radio off and it was just me and the sound of the tires humming on the asphalt road. Suddenly a low slung creature with black and white spots and large ears appeared in front of my vehicle. It had a long skinny tail, short hair and was carrying a large bone in it's mouth probably the left overs of a white tail deer who met it's fate with a bullet from a hunter's rifle. I said to myself, "Chupacabra, this is a Chupacabra". It was obviously a stray dog and definitely some sort of hybrid. It resembled a coyote, yet had the markings of a dog. Oh my gosh I was so excited and I couldn't get a picture. By the time I stood my Tahoe on its nose and managed to gain control, the creature had escaped the highway and run into the brush. In broad daylight I think I saw my legendary creature!
I was so excited and kept wishing so badly I could have snapped a picture. My mind and thoughts were totally on the illusive canine and I kept saying to myself, "I saw it, I saw it, I know it was one" When I realized the chance for a snap shot was lost I quickly returned to my cruising speed still thinking of what I had just seen, not fully comprehending the flashing red lights indicating a red light and intersection ahead. I approached the intersection at 70 miles per hour. Suddenly I looked up to see the red light just in time to screech to a halt sending the Tahoe on a head stand again. A Volkswagen of all vehicles was approaching the intersection from my left. The driver saw me and was defensive enough to judge my speed....hanging back until he saw if I was going to make the stop. Oh my, a Volkswagen,,,,,,my Tahoe would have creamed it. When the light turned green I was frozen in time. Eventually I looked up to see other vehicles approaching quickly from behind me and I kicked it into gear. From that point on though I set my cruising speed considerably less at about 60 and forced my attention back to the road.
I was almost the victim of Chupacabra! Not really but it was an exciting moment. I wanted it to be my Chupacabra so badly but in hind sight I do believe it was just a wild dog.
I was cruising down the highway yesterday with my cruise control set at about 73 miles per hour. I was in my own world, not a good place to be at that speed in a moving vehicle. I had the radio off and it was just me and the sound of the tires humming on the asphalt road. Suddenly a low slung creature with black and white spots and large ears appeared in front of my vehicle. It had a long skinny tail, short hair and was carrying a large bone in it's mouth probably the left overs of a white tail deer who met it's fate with a bullet from a hunter's rifle. I said to myself, "Chupacabra, this is a Chupacabra". It was obviously a stray dog and definitely some sort of hybrid. It resembled a coyote, yet had the markings of a dog. Oh my gosh I was so excited and I couldn't get a picture. By the time I stood my Tahoe on its nose and managed to gain control, the creature had escaped the highway and run into the brush. In broad daylight I think I saw my legendary creature!
I was so excited and kept wishing so badly I could have snapped a picture. My mind and thoughts were totally on the illusive canine and I kept saying to myself, "I saw it, I saw it, I know it was one" When I realized the chance for a snap shot was lost I quickly returned to my cruising speed still thinking of what I had just seen, not fully comprehending the flashing red lights indicating a red light and intersection ahead. I approached the intersection at 70 miles per hour. Suddenly I looked up to see the red light just in time to screech to a halt sending the Tahoe on a head stand again. A Volkswagen of all vehicles was approaching the intersection from my left. The driver saw me and was defensive enough to judge my speed....hanging back until he saw if I was going to make the stop. Oh my, a Volkswagen,,,,,,my Tahoe would have creamed it. When the light turned green I was frozen in time. Eventually I looked up to see other vehicles approaching quickly from behind me and I kicked it into gear. From that point on though I set my cruising speed considerably less at about 60 and forced my attention back to the road.
I was almost the victim of Chupacabra! Not really but it was an exciting moment. I wanted it to be my Chupacabra so badly but in hind sight I do believe it was just a wild dog.
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