After an hour of yoga I feel that I stand taller and look thinner. The effects of an hour of gentle stretching, twisting and breathing stay with me for hours afterward. Thank you to my yoga instructor Jackie Casal Mahrou. She sends me to that place of total relaxation, mentally and physically. If you haven't tried yoga yet you might want to give it a try. You can sample lessons for free on And if you like it you can purchase classes to do in the privacy of your own home. Jackie is my favorite instructor, probably because she is my daughter inlaw and the mother of my infant grandson!

My favorite class is Gentle Hatha. Its calming and strengthening moves give me just what I need to calm my mind and strengthen my core. I walk away from that hour feeling like a ballerina. Jackie also has her own blog at where she talks about yoga and a healthy life style.
About 8 months ago I decided to change up my life a bit with exercise and diet. I quit eating meat and have tried to increase, improve and perfect my yoga practice. I'm not at perfection yet with either of these efforts but I keep trying. I'm retired with not much else to do but improve myself.
I don't miss the meat and I do recognize a difference in my overall being. I can't put my finger on it. I lost a few pounds without cutting out anything else. And the weight seems to stay off without much effort of any other kind. Jackie seems to think I keep my metabolism up by grazing. That I do, all day. I don't like being hungry and I don't like being full. Of course I should mention that I don't eat fast food and most of my food is fresh, not from a box or can. I also discovered the wonderful flavor and texture of kale which I consume daily in salads, soups or stir fry. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies also. I can't seem to give up bread but I do make my own which seems to justify my need to eat it! Reading this a person would think I am the picture of health. I'm not but I keep trying. In two months I will be eligible for Medicare. Maybe the fact that I don't take any medications qualifies me as being semi healthy. I'm waiting for the boom to drop though. I've been lucky with health most of my life. No surgeries yet and no major illnesses. I avoid flu shots and am probably obsessive about hand sanitizers and washing my hands after being in public places.
I enjoy cooking and have discovered the wonderful world of meatless cooking. It has brought out a new form of creativity in me. I have learned to flavor my dishes with veggie and bean broths. I must say here that I am not total vegetarian. I will not give up cheese or seafood. A plate of beautiful cheese and gourmet crackers is pure art in itself. And who doesn't love art?
A recent meal my husband and I created together is brown rice with cabbage stir fry pictured below.
1 to two cups steamed brown rice
Saute cabbage in olive oil with sliced onion and 3 minced garlic cloves till brown, adding a few tablespoons of water to aid in caramelizing.
Soak 1/2 cup raisins in water, drain and add to cabbage mixture
Add 1/2 cup slivered almonds
Season with 1 teaspoon or more curry powder, salt to taste, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne(optional) 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
Dissolve a few saffron threads in 1/4 cup warm water and add to mixture
This is a healthy meal with a tossed salad:
4 large romaine lettuce leaves chopped in bite size pieces
2 large kale leaves chopped
1 tomato chopped
1 avocado chopped
1 apple chopped
2 green onions chopped
1 cucumber chopped
2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil
2 to 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
sea salt to taste
Toss well
I'll be posting my flat bread recipe soon.
My favorite class is Gentle Hatha. Its calming and strengthening moves give me just what I need to calm my mind and strengthen my core. I walk away from that hour feeling like a ballerina. Jackie also has her own blog at where she talks about yoga and a healthy life style.
About 8 months ago I decided to change up my life a bit with exercise and diet. I quit eating meat and have tried to increase, improve and perfect my yoga practice. I'm not at perfection yet with either of these efforts but I keep trying. I'm retired with not much else to do but improve myself.
I don't miss the meat and I do recognize a difference in my overall being. I can't put my finger on it. I lost a few pounds without cutting out anything else. And the weight seems to stay off without much effort of any other kind. Jackie seems to think I keep my metabolism up by grazing. That I do, all day. I don't like being hungry and I don't like being full. Of course I should mention that I don't eat fast food and most of my food is fresh, not from a box or can. I also discovered the wonderful flavor and texture of kale which I consume daily in salads, soups or stir fry. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies also. I can't seem to give up bread but I do make my own which seems to justify my need to eat it! Reading this a person would think I am the picture of health. I'm not but I keep trying. In two months I will be eligible for Medicare. Maybe the fact that I don't take any medications qualifies me as being semi healthy. I'm waiting for the boom to drop though. I've been lucky with health most of my life. No surgeries yet and no major illnesses. I avoid flu shots and am probably obsessive about hand sanitizers and washing my hands after being in public places.
I enjoy cooking and have discovered the wonderful world of meatless cooking. It has brought out a new form of creativity in me. I have learned to flavor my dishes with veggie and bean broths. I must say here that I am not total vegetarian. I will not give up cheese or seafood. A plate of beautiful cheese and gourmet crackers is pure art in itself. And who doesn't love art?
A recent meal my husband and I created together is brown rice with cabbage stir fry pictured below.
1 to two cups steamed brown rice
Saute cabbage in olive oil with sliced onion and 3 minced garlic cloves till brown, adding a few tablespoons of water to aid in caramelizing.
Soak 1/2 cup raisins in water, drain and add to cabbage mixture
Add 1/2 cup slivered almonds
Season with 1 teaspoon or more curry powder, salt to taste, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne(optional) 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
Dissolve a few saffron threads in 1/4 cup warm water and add to mixture
This is a healthy meal with a tossed salad:
4 large romaine lettuce leaves chopped in bite size pieces
2 large kale leaves chopped
1 tomato chopped
1 avocado chopped
1 apple chopped
2 green onions chopped
1 cucumber chopped
2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil
2 to 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
sea salt to taste
Toss well
I'll be posting my flat bread recipe soon.
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