Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cock of the Walk is Gone

Just an update on the rooster.  He continued to linger on with very labored breathing still managing to rise to his feet in an effort to do his duty.  It was just too much to watch him die so slowly.  He was a very strong rooster and didn't give up easily.  My neighbor who once worked on a  chicken ranch came over early this morning looking for her dog who managed to escape under the fence and take himself on a walk about.  He had been gone for a full day and night and still not returned home.  She took a look at my rooster and determined that his neck had been broken either by a possum or raccoon reaching through the fence as he sat guard on his perch at night.  She suggested we put him out of his misery.  She just happened to have a 22 pistol in her truck which she carries for protection....remember this is Texas.  So instead of going back into the house to get my rifle she offered to do the chore for me.  It was a very sad morning.  After he quit flopping about as chickens do when they die, I pulled some of his wing feathers and tail feathers to keep.  At some point I will incorporate them into some sort of craft.  He was a beautiful rooster and I want to remember him.  It's quiet around here today without his crowing.  We shall miss him.

My neighbor found her big dog a few hours later.  Apparently he couldn't find the route he had taken away from home and was trying to figure out how to cross a cattle guard to come back on the road.

All is quiet and I shall go back to my knitting!

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